Working from Home
I have been working from home for many years - even long before the term became commonly used and the acronym WFH had been adopted.
Only this morning, however, I hit a problem for the very first time.
I live in an apartment block that, like so may others, was built around a reinforced concrete frame that happily transmits the sound of hammering etc as if it were taking place within my own apartment but without helping me to identify the actual source of all the noise.
The apartment owner concerned is clearly entitled to have works done within reasonable hours but wouldn’t it have been courteous to inform other residents in advance so that we could have made other working arrangements for the period that the hammering will take place?
Yes, it would have been courteous but it did not happen. I, and the other residents, woke up to the unheralded sound of the works. Yet another sign, I’m afraid of the lack of courtesy and consideration that has crept further and further into society.